White Red Deer

White Red Deer Meet “Wit” our white Red Deer Stag How Rare are White Deer? The British Deer Society regularly receives queries about white deer and how rare they might be. Fallow In most cases, the white deer are usually fallow, a species that is widely distributed across much of the UK and for […]
Don’t Veer for Deer

Don’t veer for deer – In the news this week have been reminders both in the UK and across the pond to drivers not to veer for deer. It is recommended that drivers don’t over-swerve to avoid hitting a deer. If a collision with the animal seems inevitable, then hitting it while maintaining full control […]
Deer Rut Safety Reminder

The Deer Rut Safety Deer rut safety must be thought about in the Autumn, between late September and early November, as it is the rutting season for many deer species. Before your visit a local park to take a look for the rut, take a moment to consider the safety of yourself and everyone with […]
Our Sika Stag Gets Ready for the Rut

It’s September in our deer park here at Millbank Parkland Venison and the red stags have all shed their velvet. The Sika Stag has been a bit slower this year, often up to six weeks behind. You can see from the video that this summer our Sika Stag seems to have had an incident and […]