What’s happening at Millbank…..

Sustainable Christmas Gift
Having a sustainable Christmas on a budget is increasingly important to us all. Not just the environmental conscious and health conscious. Here at Millbank Venison

Seasonal Meat
Seasonal Meat 1. What are the deer seasons? Did you know in Scotland venison is actually available all year round? Providing you are not fussy

Go wild with venison for Christmas lunch
If you’re considering going cold turkey on turkey for this year’s Christmas Day Lunch – why not go wild and let venison take centre stage?

Sustainable Meat
Sustainable Meat – Venison is the ultimate sustainable meat Deer are wild. Even when they’re farmed, they resist domestication. This means they’re always free-range and

Why Venison?- 10 reasons!
Why Venison? 1. It’s leaner than farmed meats Venison has a far lower fat content than traditional farmed meats. Deer meat has not undergone selective

Things to do in D&G
Things to do in D&G while staying at Curlew Cottage Things to do in D&G is no problem while staying at Curlew Cottage. Since it

Green Challenge
Green Challenge Food Eat seasonally Plan your meals to avoid food waste Cook in bulk and freeze Use the milkman and have your milk delivered

White Red Deer
White Red Deer Meet “Wit” our white Red Deer Stag How Rare are White Deer? The British Deer Society regularly receives queries about white

Sustainable Packaging
Sustainable Packaging We have tried to make the most sustainable packaging choices for you. Here’s some information behind our packaging choices. We want the sustainability,