Fallow Deer Season Ends

Millbank Venison

Sustainable, Ethical, High Animal Welfare, Low Carbon, Nutritious

Fallow Deer Season Ends

The fallow deer season ends in Scotland at the end of April. We will not have any fallow venison for sale until August. We continue to sell local wild roe deer through out the summer. Please read on to see why our venison is a natural, seasonal high animal welfare product.

The Cycle of Fallow Deer

The annual cycle begins for the bucks with antler shedding and new antler growth in April, reaching hard antler by August and velvet is clean by September. The rut is generally in October when mating occurs. Gestation is just over 7 months with the does giving birth to fawns in June and July.

Venison is Seasonal

Our Fallow deer are raised on a low input grass system, during cold winter months grassland is supplemented with hay and locally  sourced feed. Due to the breeding season our fallow venison is only available from 1st August through to early Spring. Out with this period we have local roe venison for sale.

Our venison is ethical, welfare friendly, stress free, low food miles, low carbon footprint, processed in their natural environment.

Fallow Deer History
  • Fallow deer were introduced into Britain from the Mediterranean by the Normans. Initially they were contained within parks but are now found wild in many areas of Britain.
  • Fallow come in four colours; common,  which has spots in the summer but is almost grey in the winter, melanistic which appears almost black, white and menial –  the traditional Fallow with prominent white spots throughout the year. All four colour variations are present at Millbank.
  • They are by nature quite timid and flighty although in the winter months hunger gets the better of them and then they come in close by looking for their daily feed.
  • Fallow venison is deemed by many people to be one of the most superior venison. 

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