A full course of participants at the British Deer Society (BDS) carcass demonstration and Butchery day on 31st August.
We are huge supporters of the British Deer Society (BDS) since they do a tremendous job educating hunters and deer enthusiasts and ensure that deer carcasses are used and not wasted. The BDS is a Charity which works to enable British Deer to exist in todays Environment and ensures that their future is secure for generations to come.
When we were asked if we could provide the premises and deer to enable the carcass demonstration and butchery day we were delighted to be able to assist.
The BDS Butcher Walter came along and cut up a wild Roe deer and one of our own Fallow deer. Walter made burgers for lunch, square sausage, chops, every type of steak and roast you can imagine. Not one part of the deer was wasted.
2 BDS accreditied witnesses demonstrated how to bleed and correctly gralloch a deer, providing an oportunity to share knowledge within the groups.