Chinese Venison Spare Ribs

Millbank Venison Recipes

Chinese venison spare ribs

How the recipe was developed:

Chinese Venison Spare Ribs recipe was a recommendation from very valued customers Janice and Fraser, with amazing taste and culinary skills and ideas.

Difficulty Level:


Type of dish:

Starter or Party Food


Preparation Method:

Keep the Chinese spare ribs in the vacuum pack
Place in a roasting tin and cover with water
Cover the roasting tin tightly with foil
Place in oven at approx. 130 /140 C for 2.5 – 3 hours
Take out the ribs and remove from vacuum pack and retain the juices.
Now BBQ the ribs
Keep turning and mopping the ribs using the juices until they are coloured to your liking. The mopping will help to stop them drying out.

Hints and Tips:

Enjoy the Chinese Venison Spare Ribs with good company and chat.
Happy New Year!
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