Loin of Venison

Millbank Venison Recipes

roast venison striploin

How the recipe was developed:

Loin of Venison recipe was developed through a desire to cook an amazing piece of meat simply

Difficulty Level:


Type of dish:



Venison Striploin
Cacao Nibs
Black peppecorns
Sea salt

Preparation Method:

Roll the loin in a pestle and mortar mixture of Cacao Nibs, black peppercorns and sea-salt.
Flash-fried briefly to sear all over.
Put into a vacuum bag, then into a water bath at 52 degrees C for 45 minutes
Rested for 5 mins
Then dried and briefly flash-fried again.
Perfectly pink and melt-in-the-mouth!

Hints and Tips:

Just enjoy!
Happy New Year!
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